IEEE’s core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
Roles of JIT in IEEE-SB
Work towards inspiring more students and to increase the membership retention.
Creating a platform to showcase a student intellectual ability and expertise on a precise field.
Provide a key to students for opening up the world of innovations and technologies.
Motivate networking with like-minded and resourceful people.
Encourage students to be a part of an association advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humankind.
To improve the coding Skills of the Students.
To make awareness about IEEE Spectrum to the community to update with recent technologies.
1 | 30.07.2013 | An Insight on IEEE |
2 | 20.08.2013 | Spectrum Talk |
3 | 01.10.2013 | IEEE Day Celebration and Techno Quiz |
4 | 08.01.2014 | Group Discussion |
5 | 11.01.2014 | Swami Vivekananda’s 151th Birth Anniversary Celebration |
6 | 01.02.2014 | Career Guidance Program |
7 | 11.02.2014 | Tech Talk |
8 | 01.03.2014 | Induction Programme |
9 | 13.03.2014 | SI – ALZA – Women’s Day Celebration |
10 | 27.03.2014 | Show Your Scroll – Paper Presentation |
1 | 11.07.2014 | Technical Quiz Event |
2 | 30.07.2014 to 01.08.2014 | National Level workshop on Placement Training and Career Development |
3 | 27.08.2014 | Debate Competition |
4 | 05.09.2014 | Photoshop Hackathon’14 |
5 | 28.01.2015 | Swearing In Ceremony |
6 | 04.02.2015 | JIT Engineering Enliven |
7 | 12.02.2015 | JIT IEEE SB 2nd Year Anniversary Celebration |
8 | 23.02.2015 | STAMPA 3D – 3D Printing Workshop |
9 | 28.02.2015 | Jignyasa Science Workshop |
10 | 05.03.2015 | Women’s Day Celebration – Tamil Debate Competition |
11 | 09.03.2015 to 14.03.2015 | Jeppiaar Trophy’15 Volunteering |
12 | 25.04.2015 to 29.04.2015 | BRIANGLE – Online Event |
1 | 01.07.2015 | IEEE Spectrum Talk & IEEE Paper Presentation |
2 | 10.07.2015 | Poster Designing Event |
3 | 15.07.2015 & 16.07.2015 | 2nd National Level Placement Training Workshop – Placement Diciplina 2k15 |
4 | 05.08.2015 & 06.08.2015 | PCB Design Workshop |
5 | 17.08.2015 | Benefits of IEEE- Seminar |
6 | 28-08-2015 | Awarenss Program to Freshers |
7 | 28-09-2015 | IEEE day Celebration 2015 |
8 | 08-02-2016 | Introduction of Execom Members-2016-2017 |
9 | 10-02-2016 | Spectrum Talk/Paper expo |
10 | 10-03-2016 & 11-03-2016 | Workshop on Robotics |
11 | 14-03-16 to 21-03-2016 | Online Event – Blog Contest |
12 | 20-03-16 to 28-03-16 | Online Event – Poster Designing Contest |
13 | 03-04-2016 & 04-04-2016 | CHC 2016 |
14 | 04-04-16 to 09-04-16 | Online Event – Spectrum Presentation |
1 | 24-07-16 – 02-07-16 | Online Quiz |
2 | 5-07-16 – 16-07-16 | Online Aptitude |
3 | 02-08-2016 | Workshop on “Basics Of Photoshop And Graphics Design” |
4 | 18-08-16 & 19-08-16 | CANSAT Workshop |
5 | 17-08-2016 | Workshop On Embedded System Design With PIC Microcontroller |
6 | 14-09-2016 | Induction Program – Benefits Of IEEEs |
7 | 14-08-16 – 14-09-16 | Online Event – Verbal Contest |
8 | 21-09-2016 | Project Expo – 2K16 |
9 | 26-08-16 & 25-08-16 | Online Event – Chart Making |
10 | 28-09-2016 | IEEE Day Celebration |
11 | 09-01-2017 | IEEE potential talk 2k17– benefits of IEEE |
12 | 07-2-2017 & 08-02-20176 | Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training |
13 | 17-02-2017 | Paper talk 2k17 |
14 | March 2017 | Online event – google doodle |
15 | March 2017 | Online event – blog contest |
16 | 10-03-2017 | Swearing in ceremony – 2k17 |
1 | 28-06-2017 | Photoshop designing workshop-2k17 |
2 | 18-07-2017 | Video making workshop |
3 | 19-07-2017 | Extempore & group discussion |
4 | 08-08-2017 | Project expo-2k17 |
5 | 16-07-2017 to 22-07-2017 | Online poster designing competition |
6 | 12-09-2017 | Student professional awareness activity-SPAA on entrepreneurship development |
7 | 13-09-17 & 14-09-17 | Induction programme to fresher |
8 | 15-09-2017 to 18-09-2017 | Online event on programming |
9 | 12-10-2017 | IEEE day celebration 2018 |
10 | 05-01-2018 | IEEE- Basic HTML Workshop |
11 | 12-02-2018 | IEEE Blog Writing Workshop |
12 | 19-02-2018 | IEEE – Tech Fest |
13 | 16-02-2018 & 17-02-2018 | IEEE sponsored 2 days FDP “Practical Issues and Challenges in MM wave communication for 5G Applications” |
14 | 14-03-2018 | IEEE Swearing In Ceremony 2018 |
1 | 05-07-2018 | SS12 – R10 level Project Expo |
2 | 18-07-2018 | Workshop on Drafting a Journal Paper |
3 | 21-08018 – 28-8-18 | Online Event Series -1 |
4 | 5 to 9-9-18 | Online Event Series -2 |
5 | 20 to 25-9-18 | Online Event Series -3 |
6 | 25-09-2018 | IEEE Day Celebration 2019 |
7 | 05-03-2019 | IEEE Techfest |
8 | 11-03-2019 | Student Professional Awareness Conference – SPAC’2019 |
1 | 28-06-2019 | Industrail Visit – NIOT |
2 | 12-07-2019 | IEEE International Level Project Expo – YESIST 12 |
3 | 09-08-2019 | IEEE Event Tech Hub |
4 | 16-9-2019 | Engineers Day Celebration |
5 | 18-09-2019 | IEEE Day Celebration 2K19 & IEEE Swearing Ceremony 2K19 |
6 | 13-12-2019 | Spectrum Presentation and Quiz |
7 | 9-1-2020 to 13-01-2020 | Online Quiz Series 1 |
8 | 04-02-2020 | Workshop On Safety Engineering |
9 | 14-02-2020 | Student Leadership Forum (SLF) |
10 | 18-02-2020 | IEEE Collabratec- Talk |
11 | 15-02-2020 to 21-02-2020 | Online Blog Contest |
12 | 09-04-2020 | Webinar on CANSAT and CUBESAT Development |
13 | 11-04-2020 | Webinar on IEEE benefits and Resources |
14 | 07-04-2020 | Workshop for How to Write Content for IEEE Event & News paper and how to create a Google Form |
15 | 27-04-2020 | Seminar on Know your IEEE webinar series – webinar on Exploring Grants, Funding, Awards & Scholarships in IEEE |
16 | 28-04-2020 | Seminar on Know your IEEE webinar series- webinar on Exploring Research Opportunities in IEEE |
17 | 29-04-2020 | Seminar on Know your IEEE webinar series- webinar on Insights to IEEE Student Branches and Chapters |
18 | 01-05-2020 | Seminar on Know your IEEE webinar series- webinar on Engineering in Humanitarian Activities |
19 | 02-05-2020 | Seminar on Know your IEEE webinar series- webinar on Exploring Volunteering in IEEE |
20 | 03-05-2020 | Seminar on Know your IEEE webinar series- webinar on What’s there in IEEE for Graduates |
21 | 05-05-2020 | Seminar on Know your IEEE webinar series- webinar on Exploring IEEE SIGHT |
22 | 06-05-2020 | Seminar on Know your IEEE webinar series- webinar on Exploring IEEE Smart Village |
23 | 07-05-2020 | Seminar on Know your IEEE webinar series- Session on How to become a member in IEEE |
24 | 17-05-2020 | Webinar on IEEE behind fishing & SIGHT |
25 | 16-5-2020 TO 20-5-2020 | Know about IEEE Quiz |
1 | 5-09-2020 to 7-09-2020 | Online Aptitude quiz |
2 | 9/13/2020 | IEEE Xtreme Webinar |
3 | 18-09-2020 to 22-09-2020 | Online Blog Contest |
4 | 10/31/2020 | Webinar – GATE Easy Preparation |
5 | 06-01-2021 to 12-01-2021 | Online photography contest |
6 | 1/8/2021 | Webinar on soft skills |
7 | 27.02.2021 | Webinar on “Nanoelectronics” |
8 | 28.2.2021 | CONNECTION 2.0 |
9 | 7.03.2021 | Webinar On Startup Entrepreneurship |
10 | 12.03.2021 | Online Reel Contest |
11 | 3/13/2021 | Webinar on “Comparative between C and python” |
12 | 3/15/2021 | Crossword Finder |
13 | 3/16/2021 | “TECHWAR” |
14 | 21-03-2021 to 27-03-2021 | Video editing contest |
15 | 3/22/2021 | Swearing in Ceremony 2021 |
16 | 3/24/2021 | Poster Making contest |
17 | 28.03.2021 to 02.04.2021 | Online Meme Contest |
18 | 30-03-2021 to 04-04-2021 | Online logo designing contest |
19 | 4/4/2021 | Webinar on How to face interview without fear |
20 | 04-04-2021 to 10-04-2021 | Photo Caption event |
21 | 4/6/2021 | Webinar On Event Handling-1 |
22 | 4/8/2021 | Dice Over Dice |
23 | 4/10/2021 | Webinar on How to be active in Professional Societies |
24 | 4/11/2021 | Webinar On Event Handling-2 |
25 | 4/11/2021 | Storify and Personify |
26 | 4/14/2021 | Online Debate – 2020 Boon or Bane |
27 | 4/17/2021 | Code race event |
28 | 4/18/2021 | Webinar on IEEE & its benefits |
29 | 4/18/2021 | Webinar on personality development |
30 | 4/18/2021 | Heritage Day |
31 | 4/21/2021 | Civil service day quiz |
32 | 4/25/2021 | Catch the dialogue |
33 | 4/25/2021 | Malaria awareness day |
34 | 4/26/2021 | Circuit debugging |
35 | 4/28/2021 | Sing your heart |
36 | 5/2/2021 | Guess the Glibberish |
37 | 02-05-2021 to 09-05-2021 | Blank Coding |
38 | 03-05-2021 to 09-05-2021 | Aptitude quiz 1 |
39 | 5/5/2021 | Talk about your lucky charm |
40 | 5/9/2021 | Webinar on Technical paper presentation |
41 | 5/18/2021 | Article contest |
42 | 5/23/2021 | Techlaza |
43 | 5/25/2021 | Photography contest |
44 | 5/28/2021 | Webinar on women health and awareness about black fungus |
45 | 31-05-2021 to 05-06-2021 | Aptitude Quiz 2 |
Development Of Biomedical Remote Data Logging System With Raspberry Pi Based Embedded Webserver | Mr.M.Ranjith Mr.Poopal Mrs.M.Benisha |
2015-2016 | Rs. 3000 | IEEE Madras Section- SPF |
Appreciation Award- IEEE | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2015-2016 | Rs. 2000 | IEEE Madras Section |
Annual Rebate – IEEE | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2015-2016 | Rs. 23,000 | IEEE Head Quatress through IEEE Madras Section |
Chennai Hub Congress Fund | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2015-2016 | Rs. 17,500 | IEEE Madras Section and WIE Madras section |
Chennai Hub Congress Fund | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2015-2016 | Rs. 4,000 | IEEE YP Madras Section |
Annual Rebate – IEEE | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2016-2017 | Rs. 25,701 | IEEE Head Quatress through IEEE Madras Section |
Appreciation Award | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2016-2017 | Rs. 3000 | IEEE Madras Section |
Annual Rebate | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2016-2017 | Rs. 28,558 | IIEEE Head Quatress through IEEE Madras Section |
Website Contest | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2017-2018 | Rs. 1000 | IEEE Madras Section |
Appreciation Award | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2017-2018 | Rs. 3000 | IEEE Madras Section |
Faculty Development Programme | Dr.L.M.Merlin Livingston | 2017-2018 | Rs. 7450 | IEEE Madras Section |
Appreciation Award | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2018-2019 | Rs. 3,000 | IEEE Madras Section |
Annual Rebate | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2018-2019 | Rs. 24,610 | IEEE Head Quatress through IEEE Madras Section |
IEEE SPAC | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2018-2019 | Rs. 14,190 | IEEE Head Quatress through IEEE Madras Section |
Appreciation Award | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2019-2020 | Rs. 2,000 | IEEE Madras Section |
Mechanical Ventillator | Ms. M.Benisha Mr.T.Tarun Kumar Mr.A R Ramanathan |
2019-2020 | Rs. 38020 | IEEE SIGHT- HAC |
Annual Rebate – IEEE | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2019-2020 | Rs. 17611 | IEEE Head Quatress through IEEE Madras Section |
Annual Rebate – IEEE | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2019-2020 | Rs. 25500 | IEEE Madras Section |
Appreciation Award | Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology | 2020-2021 | Rs. 2,000 | IEEE Madras Section |
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